GyeRan Mali (계란말이) is a common Korean side dish for meals or lunch boxes. Typically, it is round and taste like a fried flat egg. However, today I will show you something different. This version has a cute heart shape and includes some vegetables like carrots and green onions for color and taste. It is very easy to make, and you can make somebody happy. 😉 Of course, the flavor is delicious with very few ingredients.
Yield: 2 Servings
Short Korean Lesson
- GyeRan (계란) = Egg
- DalGyal (달걀) = Egg (Another Name)
Video Instructions
Main Ingredients
- 4 Large Eggs
- 1 Tbsp Green Onion
- ½ Tbsp Carrot
- ¼ tsp Salt
- Some Oil
Break 4 eggs and stir them gently. For interesting yellow and white color swirls, do not completely mix the whites and yokes together.
Set aside 2-3 Tbsp of the egg mixture to be used later.
Finely chop 1 Tbsp of green onion and ½ Tbsp of carrot. It is important to chop them very fine.
Add ¼ tsp of salt into the egg mixture and mix well.
Add some oil in a small bowl or plate. Fold a small piece of a paper towel, and soak it in the oil.
Use the towel to lightly grease the pan. Cook on medium heat.
Drop a little bit of the egg mixture into the heated pan; if it starts to cook, the temperature for the pan is right.
Pour about ¼ of the egg mixture into an 8-inch pan.
When the surface of the egg starts to cook, begin to roll it: about one inch.
Continue to roll it. You can use either chopsticks or a spatula.
Push it to the end of the pan and add some more oil in the pan.
Pour the same amount of egg mixture into the pan. Fry and roll it the same way.
After doing the same process 2 more times, you will get a fried egg that looks like this.
Cool it for about 1 minute before you cut it. This helps the egg keep its shape when you cut it.
Cut the fried egg into a half-inch thickness.
This is the normal shape for this dish. You can serve it like this.
Directions Continued
To make the heart shape, cut one piece of the fried egg diagonally.
Two pieces to the puzzle.
Make the heart shape with the two cut pieces.
Dip the heart shaped egg into the egg mixture you saved in the beginning.
Fry the heart shaped egg in the slightly oiled pan on medium. Put some egg mixture on top too.
Cook it until it is done.
It is very cute and pretty, isn’t it? 😉 Why don’t you make this lovely heart shape egg side dish for somebody you love? Thanks. Enjoy!
good morning!
[it’s early morning here in malaysia..]
this sure looks yummy.
btw, i’m new to your blog.. but i’ve tried a few of you recipes.
yesterday i made 볶음밥..and it was so delicious!
[posted pix in my facebook]..
hi fizzy,
Nice to meet you. 🙂
Good afternoon here in America.
Oh..I will be happy to see your 볶음밥 picture.. hehe thanks
omg! you are so clever! that’s adorable!
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hi Janet,
Thanks !!! Try it someday. 🙂
very cute. makes me wish i had someone to make this for, though.
hi james,
As you see,, it’s super simple… you have to try it someday.. maybe you can make a video response someday ?? hehe I’m planning to post a video for this recipe too. 🙂
how clever! im going to make this for my daughter’s lunchbox since she likes cute things like this. =) i’m definitly making this on valentine’s day!
hope you are getting rest! i <3 you 😉
*hiiiiii bryson!*
hi farleen,
Oh yes,, she will love the heart shape egg.. ^^ here we go.. Valentine’s day… great idea ~~~ Bryson said Hi too..
thanks have a good day. 🙂
I love this idea, Aeri. You are so clever!!
hi Suzanne Sutherland,
hehe thanks… Try it someday please. 🙂
hehe, a brilliant idea^. my girl is insisting to have that in her lunchbox. way to go aeri \(^w^)/
hi layping,
I’m sure she will love it for her lunch box …and her friends will envy her.. 🙂
hey, made this today!!! wonderful…thanks^
hi layping,
heart shape ??? hehe.. I’m sure anybody who ate yours was very happy. 😉
very cute & clever idea
your awesome Aeri^^
4sure I will try it.
thank you.
hi Tofee,
Yep.. try it .. and enjoy !!! 🙂 thanks
Ooh, I was wondering how to make this! I had this all the time at school last year.
hi Tobi,
hehe.. now you know how to make it and you can make it by yourself at home. Try it someday. 🙂
aww what a cute idea 🙂 Thanks for sharing it, Aeri!
hi Vicky,
hehe.. thanks 🙂
This was fun to make! But I didn’t look close enough at the picture on how you cut it to shape it into the heart. So I cute it from corner to opposite corner diagonally & now it looks more like an ice cream cone shape than a heart. xD Aigoo…정말 바보!!
hehe… Your comment is very cute.. I was imaging what you did while I was reading your message. It made me smile. soon I will post a video for this.. maybe that will help a little for next try ??? thanks..
p.s actually.. ice cream cone sounds cute too.. 😉
cute idea! i’ll try it soon 😀 thank you!
hi cindy,
yep.. try it please..and ENJOY !!! hehe..thanks 🙂
today I made your dish^^
it’s really yummy^^
the combination of carrot & green onion was great.
but when I try to make a heart shape it’s look like a triangleT_T
hi Tofee,
hehe.. triangle.. cute ^^
I will post a video for this someday soon. thanks 🙂
i tried it the other day. it was really fun and easy to make! thanks so much for the recipe and idea. i just need a little bit more practice so i can make it as pretty as yours 😀 thank you again!
hi cindy,
I’m sure that you will make prettier one than mine.. thanks 🙂
i’ve always had troubles making the japanese omelette that looks a lot like yours, but yours seems so much easier to do! I am definitely going to try it out!
hi Poeh,
hehe… yes try it someday.. I will post a video for this recipe soon. maybe that will give you more clear idea how to make it ?? hehe..thanks
I really love your blog…
I will try your cooking and tips one by one ^_^
A bit too late.. Congratz for your baby!
Nice to meet u ^0^
Hi Ei,
Nice to meet you too !!! hehe.. thanks for congratulations.. hope to see you again. 🙂
Perfect timing for Valentine’s Day.
It’s simple and delicious.
hi Bennyrondo,
hehe.. you are right.. simple and delicious.. thanks 🙂
Hi Aerie,
My daughters are coming home for Chinese New Year/V-day. I’m going to make this special dish for them.
Happy V-day to you!
Wow! I love gye ran mali and this heart trick is very clever, and cute! ^^ Perfect for valentines day <3
hi HelloPandaBiscuit,
Yep.. make this for somebody you love on Valentines day..hehe thanks
This is very cute. Just wondering…instead of the paper towel in oil, could you just use cooking spray (like Pam) sprayed directly on the frypan? Thanks!
Hi Liz,
The reason I used paper towel in oil is.. to give very small amount of oil on the pan.. so spraying oil sounds good too.. ^^ thanks
Hi~! ^^ This recipe looks really cute and simple to do, i’m hoping to try it soon. However, i’ve tried to make egg pancake/omlette and i always mess it >.> I’m hoping i can roll it as beautifully as you do. Please post a video if you can, that would help so much!
^^ Keep making delicious recipes~
Hi Anna,
I made it for lunch today again.. actually I did it to record a video for it.. so soon I will post a video for this dish.. hehe Check it out !!! thanks 🙂
Hai Aeri….
After watched your website I went to kitchen and try this…
I made it and it tastes very delicious..
My brother asked me to make this again tomorrow….
I’m really happy because I always wonder how to mae this kind of egg dish when I watch Korean drama…
Thanks for sharing Aeri…
You’re such a great person…
God Bless You
hi Rizka,
hehe.. thanks for your comment. wow, your brother liked your dish..great !!! happy to hear that.. 🙂 God bless you too.
Wow those looks absolutely delicious!
hi Shower Stalls,
super easy.. try it someday.. hehe thanks
Hi From México!!…My Wife and I, are “Discovering” Korean Food. We went to a Korean REstaurant last Week and We love That Food since.That`s what we Found your Website, cause My Wife wants to cook Korean Food.But..there are manners in the table and we don`t know how to eat that Food..for example, How to roll the leaves and what to put or Not in there, and we have to eat ALL at One bite?, and we don´t know how/what to do..Please , show/explain this in your Videos PLEASE!Sorry, My English is so Bad, I hope I explained My Idea in a proper Form.Greetings For You and Your Family!
hi Antonio Ham,
Nice to meet you !!! Very happy to hear that you and your wife loved Korean food… I guess you are talking about wrapping meat with vegetables ??? like bulgogi ?? I will add it to my list..and someday I will show you how to eat Korean bbq wrapping..hehe thanks 🙂
Thanks for sharing this little cute lovely heart shape fried egg dish. ^0^ I am going to make some for valentine’s day. =)
hi Vicki,
hehe.. I don’t know who will get your cute heart shape fried egg..but I’m sure that person will feel very special and happy. thanks 🙂
I don’t have valentine this year, for once it would be useful x) so I’ll make them for my parents hehe
Thank you =)
By the way, in korean restaurants, they served something as side dishes I really love, I think it’s lotus a litlle brown/black. By any chance do you know how to make it ? Can I request this dish ? =O
hi Bimil,
that’s a sweet idea.. you will make this for your parents. 🙂
lotus… side-dish… I will think of it and add it to my list..thanks 🙂
hi aeri 🙂 yesterday was valentines day and i surprised my hubby and kids with your gyeran mali…they loved it! they requested for more…so, i ended up cooking 3 batches more 🙂 kumapsumhida agashi 🙂
hi aeri,
i made this dish with the girl i like pretty much 2 days ago, and it turned out quite alright ^^
we both enjoyed the dish hehehe…
most of all, we had fun. thanks alot for sharing the recipe
hi WKKeoh,
great !!! did you take a picture to enter the contest.. =P hehe.. thanks 🙂
oh, how do i enter the contest? i had some pics 🙂
hi WKKeoh,
Send me your pictures at..
just tell me your youtube or blog id.. thanks I will wait for your pictures..hehe
Don’t see to many heart shaped egg dishes. Seems great for Valentines Day
hi Doug Cook,
Yep.. good for Valentines’ day.. ^^
I tried this recipe this morning and my egg fell apart into layers when I cut it… Did I wait to long to roll the egg?
BTW I am totally in love with your blog!
hi Sue,
yes.. roll the egg.. when the surface of the egg starts to cook.. ^^ try it again.. you will get success next time.
thanks 😀
This is great~~ very tasty and so pretty to look at. I have this side dish at almost every meal, but the heart shape makes it even better. Thank you <3
This’s so great!~
Im gonna try it *excited*
i’ve seen my mom cook this quite a few times. she always uses sugar. do you not use sugar??
hi bonnie,
aha.. for my taste, I don’t want sweet flavor in it.. I just want salt in it..hehe thanks 🙂
The heart-shaped rolled egg is such a cute idea. I will try it tonight for my son!
The video was so helpful! I wanted to make this my Korean club’s christmas party, and the video made it so much easier to make it. Thank you. 😀
I just tried making these this afternoon- they are sooooo delicious! They came out wonderfully. The only thing I think I need to work on is rolling them a little tighter. I was nervous my rolls would fall apart but they didn’t! Thanks so much for this recipe!!!!! 😀
hi aeri
just want you to know i’ve been learning a lot from you. my husband also loves whatever i experiment! his favorite is the sweet red bean bread, oh how we love it from the very first batch that i made.
a couple of years back, we started to fall in love with korean dramas. in those dramas we see and started to fancy what koreans eat so started to make a research. and am so glad i found you. i love your posts that fit our fancy lol
again, thank you. keep posting, you bring smiles to your readers am sure. oh! your son bryson is sooo cute! like you 🙂
Hi Aeri,
Would it be fine to put some red food coloring on the mixture before putting it on the pan? To make the hearts turn pink/red ^^
If so, would you please explain how that would work out? Also, care to give some tips? Thank you! ^^
hi Leettaemiri,
haha.. you are cute to ask that question. I imagined what you asked..and first time i thought was.. yellow and red will make orange..instead of pink.. red color.. so your egg will be orange heart. hehe and food coloring is not good for your health … so maybe just eat yellow heart egg ?? hehe.. sorry for poor answer.
Hi aeri,
I was wondering could you substitute the carrot and green onion with tomato and green peppers ❓ josimhaeyo
hi kpoplover121,
It’s up to you. You will get new flavor from it thought. 😉
Hello Aeri!! 😀 😀
I’m Meriem and I’m from Algeria. I TOTALLY love your website <3 <3
I love cooking and I love trying new recipes, but since I live in a country where a lot of Asian ingredients cannot not be found, I was reluctant to try Asian (mostly Japanese and Korean) recipes :'( 🙁
However, I could mange to make gyeran mali, which is my FIRST Korean dish I made. My family loved it too, we all enjoyed it. Thank you for your videos and your clear steps!! Because of them, it was so easy to do this recipe ^_^
By the way, I couldn't find small grained rice, or sushi rice, we only have long grain rice, would they work to make sushi, or the other recipes that involve rice in general? And what is the replacement of soy sauce (it is not availabe here too :/ )
Thank you sooo much Aeri! I'll try the other recipes as well!
Love you <3
Hi Meriem,
Thanks for your comment. Nice to meet you. About your questions, yes, you need short grain rice for your sushi or kimbap..and if you don’t have soy sauce. you can use salt instead if the amount is not much..but if the soy sauce is the main seasoning ingredients.. like more than 1 Tbsp.. then.. you need soy sauce for it. thanks