Hi, welcome back to Aeri’s Korean Lessons. In the last lesson, we talked about the basics of Hangul. Hangul was created to help literate Korean people by moving away from a logographic system. It is an alphabet that has ten basic vowels and fourteen basic consonants.
Video Instructions
Today, we will learn the ten basic Korean vowels. First, we will learn three types of vowel construction, and then, we will learn how to read and write those basic vowels. I will start by speaking the ten vowels, “ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ.”
To help your understanding, I will divide the ten vowels into three groups according to three types of vowel construction. I will arbitrarily name these types one, two, and three.
Type-1 represents object shapes, similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs, but there is less detail in the Hangul logograms or hieroglyphs. There are three of these: a dot, a horizontal line, and a vertical line.The dot represents the shape of the sky: as if you are looking straight up at the sky, or as if you are looking at an image of the round Earth. The horizontal line is the shape of land: as if you are looking at the horizon across a flat field. The vertical line is the shape of a human: as if you just started to draw a stick figure, but did not draw any arms or legs yet. To make things easier to understand for this lesson, I will refer to the names of these letters as the sky, land, and human. So, the three letters sky, land, and human comprise the type-1 group. However, sky does not exist as a letter anymore in modern Hangul, although it is used to make other letters.
Combining either land or human with sky makes the letters in the type-2 group. Sky is a round dot, but it is stretched into a line when combining it to land or human. “ㅏㅓㅗㅜ” are the four letters. Here they are in more detail:
- Human (ㅣ) + Sky (·) = ㅏ
- Sky (·) + Human (ㅣ) = ㅓ
- Sky (·) + Land (ㅡ) = ㅗ
- Land (ㅡ) + Sky (·) = ㅜ
So those four letters, “ㅏㅓㅗㅜ,” make up the type-2 group.
Combining a type-2 with another Sky makes the letters in the type-3 group. “ㅑㅕㅛㅠ” are the four letters. Here they are in more detail:
- ㅏ + Sky (·) = ㅑ
- ㅓ + Sky (·) = ㅕ
- ㅗ + Sky (·) = ㅛ
- ㅜ + Sky (·) = ㅠ
So those four letters, “ㅑ ㅕ ㅛ ㅠ,” make up the type-3 group.
18. Next, let’s learn how to read them. First though, I want to mention a difference between reading English and Korean. In English, one vowel can have different pronunciations depending on the word. For example, “a” can be read “a” in cat, “o” in call, “e” in care, or “ä” in card. On the other hand, Korean vowels have same sound regardless of the word. In that point, Korean is easier to read once you learn how each vowel is supposed to be pronounced. For example, the Korean vowel “ㅏ” is pronounced “a” in baji, jadu, saja, and pado.
Here, I want to pause and want to talk about ‘Romanization of Korean’. To make things clearer, I will show you the chart with the 10 basic Korean vowels and the romanized letters for each of the vowels. So, the Romanization of Korean is a system for representing the Korean language using the Latin script. The examples, ‘baji, jadu, saja’ I just used to explain vowels are romanized Korean. So why is that important? It is because that is a way for Koreans to communicate with their own language and it is also a way for people from the world to communicate with Koreans with Korean language.
A few years ago, the Korean singer, Psy had a big hit all over the world with his song, GangNam Style. Even people that couldn’t read Korean could still say the romanized song title. The song title in hangul is 강남 스타일. If the song title was ‘오렌지 스타일’, it could be translated to English as ‘Orange Style’ since we all have the word orange and style in our own language vocabulary. Then, what about ‘Gangnam’? That is a region of Seoul, the capital city of South Korea. Since Gangnam is a proper noun, it cannot be translated into another word. So, they just used the romanized word ‘Gangnam’ for the Korean word ‘강남’ in that case.
When Koreans make a passport, we use Romanized Korean names, so wherever we travel in the world, the world can read our Korean names in English. This was a little off topic but since it will be useful for learning Korean, I mentioned it in this lesson.
I will show you how the 10 basic vowels are romanized while we also practice speaking them next. Please repeat after me. ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ
For some people who might have problems distinguishing the differences between some vowel sounds, such as “ㅕ” and “ㅛ”, or “ㅓ” and “ㅗ”, I will show you how each vowel suppose to be pronounced again and give some examples from English that have almost the same sound as the Korean vowels.
- The Korean vowel “ㅏ” (a) is like the “a” from an English word “car”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅑ” (ya) is like the “ya” from an English sentence “See ya”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅓ” (eo) is like the “eo” from an English word “under”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅕ” (yeo) is like the “yeo” from an English word “young”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅗ” (o) is like the “o” from an English word “bow”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅛ” (yo) is like the “yo” from an English word “yoyo”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅜ” (u) is like the “u” from an English word “boots”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅠ” (yu) is like the “yu” from an English word “you”.
- The Korean vowel “ㅡ” (eu) sound does not exist in English. I tried hard to find something that sounds similar to “ㅡ” and the best thing that I could think of is the sound of a ghost or a zombie.
- The Korean vowel “I” (i) is like the “i” from an English word “ski”.
Next, let’s learn how to write them. There are two basic rules for how to write Korean vowels the proper way. Start by writing top to bottom and then left to right. There are a few exceptions, but most of time those rules are correct. I will show you how to write the ten basic vowels one by one next. ㅏ: a, ㅑ: ya, ㅓ: eo, ㅕ: yeo, ㅗ: o, ㅛ: yo, ㅜ: u, ㅠ: yu, ㅡ: eu, ㅣ: i
So today, we studied the ten basic vowels. The first three vowels are based on the shape of the sky, land, and human. Then, with some combination of those three, the rest of the basic vowels are made. The vowels “ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ” are always pronounced the same way in words, and when you write them down, go top to bottom and left to right.
If you want to practice what you learned today, or want to test what you already know about Korean vowels, you can take a quiz about these vowels on my blog I will add the link in the description box below this video.
Next time, we will study fourteen Basic consonants. Until then, you can practice the ten basic vowels you learned today by writing and reading each one.
I would appreciate it if you leave comments with the ten basic Korean vowels in Korean or Romanized letters.
If you liked this Hangul lesson, please give me a thumb up and subscribe to my channel.
Thanks for studying Korean with me. See you next time. Bye.
Keep taking this quiz until you can easily get a perfect score by just reading, and then keep taking it until you get a perfect score by just listening. 😉
You need a different web browser to take this quiz.
I Love your website. I’m gonna post a link on my Facebook Page!
hi Sandra Greene,
Thanks.. I hope that more people can learn Korean language. ^^
Aeri!! Your quiz is really fun :))
hi Alfie,
My husband made it.. he will be happy to hear what you said.. thanks 🙂
I got 100%. 😛
hi Suzanne Sutherland,
Great.. jjang !!! 🙂 hehe..thanks
hey~! thx for teaching how to pronounce the vowls~i always having trouble pronouncing
hi Ron Cai,
hehe.. I hope my lesson helped you a little better to pronounce the Korean vowels… thanks
hehe, i tried learning how to read and write korean from a friend from seoul, but he didn’t make learning the alphabet as easy as your video did. i really like your presentations! short but informative!!
hi iris,
Thanks.. your comment meant to me a lot. 🙂
yepee! i got 80% 🙂 nice! i think i’ll be able to learn korean in a short time,hehe
hi sheng,
yay ~~~ good job.. yes.. you can do it.. thanks
your a big help I have been learning how to read,write,and talk korean for six years and i was going to give up but you make me want to learn it again 😀
hi Sky,
Oh… really.. sorry for my slow posting.. I’m happy you want to learn Korean again. Let’s study hard together. hehe thanks
Thnks so much aeri!!! I memorize the korean vowels already 😆
hi XiahJunsulove,
Great.. !!! keep study Korean hard.. hehe thanks
Aeri, thank you very much. I will study hard and do the homework. So, more lessons PLEASE! 😀
hi tcube,
Thanks.. sorry for late posting… I will try to post the next video soon. 🙂
hello gud morning i like your site i want to learn hanggul im here in gonjiam were i find u.
hi roger,
Nice to meet you. thanks 🙂
Wow great ! Test at end fantastic idea, I did it straight away and only got 30 % so I re-listened to the video and made notes 💡 then I got 90% , now I will keep trying to do it quicker and with no mistakes. Very good lessons can’t to show off to my friends !
hi Anne,
Very good !!! I’m sure that.. you will get 100 % soon from your practicing. Thanks 🙂
Score: 20/20 (100%)Time: 1:43
after 3rd attempt 🙂 *thumb up* for aeri
hi Aryca,
Wow.. the quiz worked for your practicing Korean vowels.. I’m happy for you. thanks
yay.. got Score: 20/20 (100%)Time: 0:42
cant wait to see the next lesson..
hi Winer Chen,
Goo job ~~ I’m proud of you. hehe 😉
You are so sweet and very creative,i love to eat Korean food. Therefore i’m trying to learn that how to make delicious Korean food, and found your video from youtube. I glad to found your website, i like your idea that teaching Korean Language to us. I proud of u, best wishes to your family AERi^^!
hi zz,
Thanks for your sweet comment. 🙂
이것은 좋아요.( I like this.)Is it correct?..More Korean lesson pls..Thank you..
hi Dally Nacor,
Yes, you are right. 🙂 Thanks. I will post the next video.. hopefully soon..
hi Breville Je95XL,
Not to bad for beginning ~~~ Keep practice, you will get 100 % easily later.. hehe thanks 🙂
Hi Aeri! 😀
I love your videos and i really want to learn korean BUT i find it very hard to memorize what the vowals look and sound like and i get upset and frustrated have you got any other methods that could help me memorize the vowals i find it quite difficult 🙁 🙁
Dear Aeri,
I really enjoyed the lesson, and it was very easy to understand the logic of the alphabet. For those who know a little german to think of “eu” as “ü” maybe helps to distinguish easier.
I am really looking forward for the next sesssion! 🙂
I love our teaching videos. I just made some korean friends So I know a couple words but I cannot read hangul AT ALL. so these videos have really helped me this is way easier than Japanese. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😉
Hi Aeris, Thank you for teaching us Korean. Actually, my great grandfather came from Korean but he never had a chance to teach my grandma (his daughter)about Korean culture before as he was sent back to Korea. But watching your video was very useful for me to learn Korean even if I’m not fully Korean still I have blood as Korean (we keep this as secret in our family because we don’t want to remember painful days my grandma gone through when they got separate to their dad).Anyways, my coworker at work was shock who’s fully Korean saw my cooking and I told her about your website. She was amazed that I was able to cook Korean dish. Thanks to you I was able to do so. Don’t stop posting video and teaching us Korean. Have a good day and God Bless your family!
Its good that you added a quiz at the end so we can always come back and review what we learn. I perfect the quiz…yeeehpeeey!
your Site is HELPING !!
I Really Wanna Learn Korean So please keep it up And Don’t Stop 😛
when will you start the next lesson ?
Can’t Wait 😀
and your quiz was good i got 100% 😀
Thanks Aeri (=
Dear Aeri,
It is difficult for me to distinguish the letter “O” and letter “U”. They seem more or less the same.
Please teach me. Thanks
By the way, I am very interested in learning Korean. It’s great !
This lesson was great! Looking forward to the next one ^^ I did the test, it was hard haha but I managed 65%
First time 17/20, 85%. It was fun, thanks to you both.
Hi Aeri – I LOVE these language posts! Please keep making them – they are wonderful. Thanks for making Korean cooking accessible to non-Korean speakers.
Hi, you are an inspiration to me! I decided to pursue my interest on the Korean culture while warding off criticism from others. Im in the beginning stages of learning the Hangul Alphabet and basic expressions. I hope to visit Korea many times in the near future to experience the culture. Keep up the excellent blog! Tasha (nubianlocs75@yahoo.com on Facebook)
After a few attempts I’ve done it! 20/20 in 52 seconds.
Thank you Aeris, look forward to the next lessons.
Hope you have time for them some day 🙂
Hello Aeri, I came across your website when I was searching for Tteokbokki recipes.
Found this post, and immediately tried it. Thank you so much for the lessons. Though my score is not perfect yet, but I will keep trying. =)
Please keep making them!
Hi Aeri… I really love your video post about Korean language.. really really helpful.. because i just want to start to learn Korean language.. I hope you can continue this lesson… about 14 basic consonants.. thank you.. 😀
Hi Aeri
Thanks for it and your recipes, hope you can do more lessons, obviusly first your family then us 😀 bye.
aeri! hi im just wondering could you post more korean lessons? i really want to learn korean bad but there are only 2 lessons so i really dont know what to do. can you please post more lessons? please and thank you! i appreciate it 🙂
hi ella,
I’m very sorry that I didn’t post the next korean lesson for a long time.. it takes lots of time to make one video.. that’s why I can’t do it well…but yes..I will post more lessons..
Dear Aeri, I’m learning Korean from your site! your lesson on vowels was really helpful! I did your test over and over again so I can get it right! Look forward to more of your lessons! 🙂
Hi Aeri! I was looking for korean tofu pancake recipe and I found your videos on youtube which I liked a lot and I’m also happy to learn Korean language . Thank you so much.
Looking forward to learn more 😛
Hi Aeri! I am so happy that I found your site. At first it was accidental when I stumbled upon your Bibimpab video on youtube. After that I was hooked on your videos and start searching for your website. I have been looking for video lessons just like what you posted. This is by far the most informative and easy to follow instructions. I love Korean food, but since we moved to from the West cost to the East, it’s really hard to find Korean restaurants or even get Asian food/ingredients. I love Korean language and hope to be able to learn it and carry a small conversation. Thank you for sharing your passion in cooking and teaching the Korean language. Thank you for sharing Bible verses as well. God bless you and your family. Your fan,
If this isn’t the sweetest blog site I have ever seen… 😛
Aeri, you have put a lot of love into this blog. I accidently stumbled across your blog, and I felt like Dorothy when she entered Oz. I (an American) started watching Korean dramas a few years ago, and have since been swept up into the culture. I truly enjoy cultural exchange, and food is a nice way to experience a culture, even when you do not speak the language. I don’t have much time right now, to look over everything on your blog, but I promise I’ll be back. Thank you so much for the love and dedication you are sharing with the world. God Bless You!!!
I need a lot more practice! I love you teaching videos! I wish to see more of them soon!
Dear Aeri,
Please continue your Korean Lessons. I have found them enjoyable as well as informative. Please continue to post your Korean videos Thank You! 😛 😆
These lessons are very helpful and I’m having fun learning. Thanks!
😀 Dear Miss Aeri, i learned a lot with your two korean lessons! Please continue to publish them! Thank you ver ❗ Kisses ~ Sunnie 😉
Hi!!! I found your blog and it make me very happy!!! because I want to learn to make Korean food from a long time ago…thank you so much!! ….. I really like all about Korea!! and I’m learning korean lenguage…
Quiz Score: 20/20 (100%)Time: 0:54
Hi Aeri! I stumble across your website looking for korean side dish recipies and found more than I was looking for (your korean language lessons). I am a big fan of Korean dramas and I have learned more about its culture other than what we grew up with here in Hawaii. I am looking for to my next lesson in Korean language.
Kamsamida (? spelling) …. Phyllis 😀
Hi Aeri! wow,,you are amazing! i find your recipes great and i’m learning how to cook korean food through you. I’m married to a korean so i have to serve him at times with korean dish. But it is so much of a challenge for me. Anyway, thank you for blogging your excellent skills! God bless you and your family..
Score: 20/20 (100%)Time: 0:51
finally! i get 20/20 although more than 1 minute. i’ll try again to get better marks.
Hi Aeri,,
Thank you so much for your lesson,
i really enjoy it,,
Sarangheyo,,hehe 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi! I JUST LOVE your site!! Here I am on a rainy day in Norway learning Korean and exploring all the GREAT recepies on Korean food!!!! Thank you sooo much !! God bless you!! 😀
Your lessons are awesome!!! Sad that my test was mostly covered by featured otems
Hi I’m 알렉스!
I really like you test. In fact, I’m still doing the test again and again for the mastery of the sounds of each vowel. Do you also have the same kind of test for consonants? I’m looking forward taking it as well.
안녕하세요! Hi! I’m Kerin but I’m also called 수진! ^^ I’m Korean and I know how to speak korean a little bit. Your good at explaining it and I wish you would make more lessons! 🙁 I’m struggling with how to word things in Korean it’s very hard to learn and especially when I hear different vocabulary, I just get so confused! I hope you make more videos on it! Very helpful thank youuu~ 🙂
hi Kerin,
I’m very sorry that I didn’t post another Korean lesson.. hopefully I can do it sometime near future. sorry again.. it is great that you like to learn Korean language as a Korean. I’m proud of you. ^^
Thank you so much! You are a great teacher :)! Please make more videos when you have time, I really enjoy them ^__^
hi aeri ,
i am very impressed about your Korean lessons. i am an Indian want to learn Korean language. can you please continue these lessons more to understand the language easily. wish you all the best. if you have any materials of learning Korean language , please share with me. thank you so much.
I come across your site by searching seafood pancake. And what I found, learning Korean language! You make my day. But where is the first lesson? Please carry on to teach this amazing writings.
Thanks a lots!
Hi Aeri,
I want to tell you how amazed I was to found your website with Korean food recipes, it is so well done and very explicit I just loved it, I also love the fact that you give some korean words on every recipes. Today I ventured myself with korean lessons, It was so well explained and at the end having a little quizz was great.
I wanted to congratulate you for the great job you are doing and helping people like me who wish to discover and learn more about korean food, language and culture. I hope to see more hangul lessons and quizz and food recipe
annyeong aeri .. Im karen from philipines . I already know how to read and write hangul but can you please continue teaching some korean lessons because i want to learn more .Jebal .. Kamsahamnida chingu 🙂
Hi Aeri,
You ROCK! I am working on a World Language lesson plan, Topic: 10 Basic Korean Vowels and had no idea how I was going to tackle this project as I do know Korean. After watching your video several times, I was able to feel more confident about my project and learned the basic Korean vowels. I also am planning to follow your format for my project as it was in a logical order for learning. I also enjoyed taking your quiz. I only got 12 right the first time but each time I take the quick I get better and ‘quicker’. I hope you are a teacher because you have the gift of ‘teaching’!
Hi Sis, i’m Quynh from Vietnam, i found your youtube channel about korean food, i love so much :X. I decided to learn korean language and food culture by hard. Hope you can help me. Thank u so much :X . love u sis!!!
Hi Aeri, I am enjoying learning Korean from this page on your website. Thank you for having this on there. I have mastered the Hangul vowels and would love to move on to the consonants. Will you please tell me when you will be posting the quiz for those? I have learned the vowels in a short amout of time because of your quiz. Thank you.
Hi Aeri, I am enjoying learning Korean from this page on your website. Thank you for having this on there. I have mastered the Hangul vowels and would love to move on to the consonants. Will you please tell me when you will be posting the quiz for those? I have learned the vowels in a short amout of time because of your quiz. Thank you.!
Hi. Aeri
I’m Putri from Indonesia.
thank you for sharing this lessons.
it really help me to learn more about korean languang (hangul)
i’m still practice from your quiz.
far from perfect but still i will keep going to learn hehe.
i will make good score and improve my basic vowel.
hope you continue to give lesson like this,
i anticipate a alot.
thanks you so much.
God bless you Aeri.
Thank you Miss Aeri
You are welcome. thanks 🙂
Sou brasileira e seu vídeo foi excelente.
Eu não tinha noção como era a linguagem hangul.
Agora fiquei sabendo. Muito prático e instrutivo.
Muito obrigada.
im really in love with this blog.i really want to learn hangul,this is really useful.
hi mxwxrxfxdx,
Thank you. Nice to meet you.
I really enjoyed the Quiz Aeri…Here is where my love for BTS brought me.
Wow, you are real fan of BTS.. because you want to learn Korean language because you love them..right?? Good luck for your Korean studying.. Aja Aja fighting !!! 🙂 If you have any questions about Korean language, feel free to ask me. Thanks.
i really want to learn more of Hangul
Oh, I’m very sorry that I didn’t post Korean lesson videos anymore.
Hello! Thank you for this! I am learning Korean and this was so usefull 🙂 even if the sounds in eo and yeo arent present in spanish (I am a native spanish speaker) this was very very helpful!! I am so thankful!
Hole you have an amazing day!
hi Meli,
I’m glad to hear that my Korean lesson was helpful for you. 🙂 Good luck to your Korean studying. If you have any questions while you are studying it, please feel free to ask me. 🙂