In Korea, we use some fruits for cooking such as the Asian pear, apple, kiwi, and so on. Pears are especially good for marinating meat such as BulGoGi, since it gives a naturally sweet flavor, and makes the meat tender.
- Use:
For dessert
To marinate meat- Storage:
this is my favourite pear! we can get these asian pears from japan, china, korea,etc. but i found those from korea are the best. very sweet and juicy #)
Hi, layping
I don’t know what the taste of Japanses, Chinese pear..but I guess it’s similar..right ?? Yep, I miss the Korean pear a lot. When I visit to Korea soon, I will eat lots of pear !!! hehe.. thanks 😀
they are the same ! somehow, i find the korean’s sweeter and full of juice! they are very popular here!
Hi, layping
Aha ~~ that’s what I thought.. they are all the same.. good !!! Thanks for comment !!!
MMMM….These pears are soo good, I found them at my local Wal-Mart and remembered seeing them on your site so even thou I don’t like pears I got them anyway….OMG was I suprised, me and my Niece have been devouring them for days! (:
Maybe not the same from Korea, but still very Yummy
Thanks soo much for all your post!
hi Bella,
lol yes… I love Asian pears.. I’m glad that wallmart sell them..
hi aeri,
the authentic bulgogi recipes require asian pear juice. i can readily buy asia pears in hong kong. however how do i make the pear juice?
do i simply grate the pear and use grated pear in the cooking?
thank you in advance for your help.
hi may gabison,
Yes Asian pear is one of the secret ingredient for the great flavor of bulgogi. you can grate or grind the pear. ^^ thanks
Can I marinate the pork bulgogi , by using Asian pear & Kiwi puree?
I would like to tenderize my meat. I tried marina the meat with Asian Pear but it did not tenderize the meat.
hi CTs,
Yes, you can use them… cooking wine and cooking the meat for a long time in low temperature (like slower cooker) can be an another tip to make tender meat.. thanks